Hey RDS techies,
I have a license server with 30 Per device CALs installed on it. I've got another 45 Per user CALs now but by mistake I have installed them as Per Device CALs on same license server which created another keypack ID in licensing manager for these 45 CALs. All these 30+45 CALs are issued now, however, I would like to remove these 45 Per deivce CALs keypack now and want to install them as Per User CALs.
Is it possible ? I'm not sure if the "Convert partial/full licenses" option that is shown in licensing manager works here!
Also, I have come across below commands to uninstall particular keypacks from licensing manager,
wmic /namespace:\\root\CIMV2 PATH Win32_TSLicenseKeyPack CALL UninstallLicenseKeyPackWithId X
So, do these commands give our RDS CALs back once it uninstalls them from particular keypack ???
I was thinking that, this only removes the entries from licensing manager but doesn't give our CALs back to re-use them!
Any help in clarifying these would be much helpful. Thanks in advance!