I have a new AWS instance with Windows Server 2019 (x64) I need to run some batch scripts but fails.
Part of the script is
for /f "skip=1 tokens=3" %%s in ('query user %USERNAME%') do ( %windir%\System32\tscon.exe %%s /dest:console )
found that following line is failing...
query user %USERNAME%
when I Run separately above line in command line gets ....
No User exists for My.User_dev..................................................................................................
if I query like query user
list as my.user_dev
which is actual user I'm logged in with.
If I run following...
query user My.User_dev
same...error displayed.
and following
query user my.user_dev
No User exists for my.user_dev
How could I solve this ? I'm new to windows scripting.
Note...this is windows command line script not powershell...since there there is no forum specific to windows script , posted under powershell