Hi All,
I've installed and published the latest HTML5 client version to my RDWeb portal server, tested and happy it works well.
How do I automatically redirect all users who have been using https:\\<MyRDWebServer>/RDWeb to the new HTML5 client so that they are forced to use the new HTML5 client only?
I've tried this...
Set-WebConfiguration system.webServer/httpRedirect "IIS:\sites\Default Web Site" -Value @{enabled="true";destination="https://<domainname>/rdweb/pages/webclient";exactDestination="false";httpResponseStatus="Permanent";childOnly="true"};
Restarted Default Website, reset IIS, Rebooted server...no change...
Using the classic URL - https://<MyRDWebLocation>/RDWeb - still loads the classic RDWeb landing page?
I also amended this command to be"...destination="https://<MyRDWebLocation>/rdweb/webclient/index.html" as per the actual latest webclient URL but still no dice...