I'm trying to add a default domain to remoteapp RDP files published in RDWeb. I've run the Relevant powershell script:
Set-RDSessionCollectionConfiguration -ConnectionBroker servername -CollectioName collname -CustomRdpProperty "domain:s:domainname"
And the changes are indeed saved in the relevant registry setting in HKLM\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\TerminalServer\CentralPublishedResources\PublishedFarms\Full_Desktop\DeploymentSettings
The key is: CustomRDPSettings REG_SZ domain:s:DOMAINuse redirection server name:i:1
Yet the custom RDP setting never makes it to the RDP files downloaded from RDWeb, nor do they update in the DB (Connection Broker works in High Availability mode) when querying the DB with
SELECT * FROM [rds].[PoolProperty] WHERE name = 'CustomRDPSettings'
What am I doing wrong?
Is there another way to set a default domain name in the RDP files? I've made the changes in RDWeb following this guide: http://msfreaks.wordpress.com/2013/12/29/step-by-step-customizing-rd-web-access-2012-r2/
However, this is only relevant when a user is logged in from a computer marked as private in the ActiveX control. Which means it is only relevant if using Internet Explorer. I need users using Firefox and Chrome to receive an RDP file that contains the domain, so that when prompted for credentials when running a remoteapp, they wouldn't need to enter their full domain username (i.e. domain\username or username@FQDN).
Anyone has any suggestions?