a week ago we started to get this problem when new users can't logon to a RemoteApp.
They either get the "Remote Desktop Services are currently busy" or login is taking very long (like 10 minutes or so).
This usually happens once a day or two, had never happened twice a day, at least yet.
If I check task manager at that time I can find few sessions with blank usernameand just 4 processes or blank username without any processes at all.
I can logoff blankusers with processes, but I have no idea how to kill blank usersession without any processes.
Rebooting the server seems like the only option, to let new users logon to the server, but it is very painful during production hours.
Our time session limits are configured as follows:
Set time limit for disconnected sessions: 1 minute
Set time limit for active but idle Remote Desktop Services sessions: 2 hours
End session when time limits are reached: enabled
Set time limit for logoff of RemoteApp sessions: Immediately