I have created a rds deployment as follows
3x Server 2012r2
RDSH01 (RemoteApp Host)
RDSGW01 (is actually running web access)
RDSBR01 (Broker)
I created it using the add role wizard and everything is currently working as expected.
When I run get-RDremoteapp I get the following message
Get-RDRemoteApp : A Remote Desktop Services deployment does not exist on RDSH01.domain.com. This operation can be performed after creating a deployment. For information about creating a deployment, run "Get-Help New-RDVirtualDesktopDeployment" or "Get-Help New-RDSessionDeployment".+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Get-RDRemoteApp
I have tried running this remotely and directly on each of the 3 machines above, however I get the same error message.
Any suggestions?