Hi all,
I've wrote a powershell script for my devs. With this script, they can logout all users using their application and after execute the patching of the applications.
The problem is that my devs don't have admin rights. They are simple user.
In my script, I use the Get-RDUserSession, Send-RDUserMessage, Invoke-RDUserLogoff, but without admin rights .... it's bullshit.
How can i delegate the right to use this cmdlet to use the script ?
I've found this topic with the same problem but no solution : https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/ada13337-0917-4423-9373-08f85abddb23/nonadmin-users-are-unable-to-manage-rds-2012-r2-sessions?forum=winserverTS
My farm is in 2012r2, 10 RDSH, 2 HA Broker, all roles are splitted on differents virtual server.
Thank you !