I have written a terminal services plugin with virtual channels. The server and client code work fine on 64 bit Windows 7. The server side code runs on 32 bit Windows 7 too.
However I can't get a TS plugin to work on 32 bit windows. I launch MSTSC and the plugin does not get activated. The DLL is compiled for 32 bit, no missing dependencies.
I tried the most basic code for testing :
#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <windows.h> #include <TsVirtualChannels.h> #include <Cchannel.h> #include "ts.h" BOOL VCAPITYPE VirtualChannelEntry(PCHANNEL_ENTRY_POINTS pEntryPoints) { OutputDebugStringA("VirtualChannelEntry called...\n"); return TRUE; }
I register this with :
reg ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Default\Addins\TEST" /v Name /d %CD%\ts.dll /F
I double checked the registry, it has the right path, but the DLL does not load.
i ran the Procmon tool and monitored mstsc.exe - it reads the DLL file, and does a "Loadimage" operation, but the VirtualChannelEntry function is never called.
What is wrong??
Thanks in advance
cogito cogito ergo cogito sum