I am trying to install a server farm for users at our site. I have followed the documentation, but I am getting errors, and am confusing myself now with what I am trying to achieve.
I have installed/configured the following:-
RDS-CB.somedomain.local - Connection Broker, Web Access and Licensing
RDS-GW.somedomain.local - RD Gateway
RDS-SH-01.somedomain.local/RDS-SH-02.somedomain.local - Session host 1 and 2
Configured an external URL as remote.somedomain.com and forwarded port 443 to the RDS-GW server.
Installed a trusted wildcard certificate for *.somedomain.com on all the servers.
Configured a remote desktop collection and published it on the session hosts.
Created internal DNS for remote.somedomain.com to point to RDS-GW
Created internal DLS for broker.somedomain.com to point to RDS-CB
When I try and connect externally, I do the following:-
In Computer, I don't know what to put. Do I put in one of the session hosts, the connection broker, or something else?
I chose show options, Advanced, settings and then put remote.somedomain.com in the server name.
If I put in one of the session hosts, for the computer, then after putting in my credentials, I eventually get a certificate warning that says RDS-SH-01.somedomain.local is not from a trusted authority.
Can anyone help me to complete the configuration. Do I need round robin DNS and use that alias for the connection host? Whats the connection broker for if I have to use round robin DNS? Doesn’t it allocate the sessions to the hosts?
How do I stop the somedomain.local being used from the session hosts?
Is there an easier way to give users access to the terminal servers from outside? What I was imagining was that they would log on to the RDWeb site and somehow they would automatically be proxied through the gateway. Is that possible? I only have one external IP address available to me.
Sorry about my confusion/misunderstanding and thanks in advance