Hi there,
has anybody heard/does anybody know whether the graving COM/.NET bug in KB4345418 does affect Remote Desktop Services deployments or not?
I've installed several Windows Server 2016 VMs last week, made a new RDS deployment and built half of it. The early deployed servers had like May Cumulative Update installed.
Now I want to add the second RDWA server as well as additional RDSHs - and the only thing I get is "Microsoft.RemoteDesktopServices.Common.RDManagementException" during the configuration phase. That means role installation and reboot via Server Manager passes but then it throws at the beginning of the configuration phase.
I've also tried adding the RDMS logging registry values but the expected "RDMSDeploymentUI.txt" doesn't exist in C:\Windows\Logs. The "RDMSUI-trace.log" gets written but doesn't contain helpful info.
As the 2nd RDWA as well as the other RDSH candidates have been patched to KB4345418 meanwhile and since .NET and COM are essential parts of Windows management and operations I suspect there might be a connection here.
I can only pinpoint two essential events that happened after the first RDWA and RDSH were added successfully:
- The RDCB server was HA'ed
- All RD servers including RDCBs as well as the undeployed candidate servers were patched to KB4345418
So either something is wrong/went wrong with the RDCB HA (but I don't get any other errors) or, for me a bit more likely, the hotfix issues are somehow impacting the manageability/deployment.
I've tried to uninstall KB4345418 from the 2nd RDWA candidate plus reboot but to no avail; regrettably, because of the way my deployments are structured, the RDCB servers had already gotten their "dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup" thus making removal of the hotfix impossible.
Maybe it's also something totally different from the hotfix but I'm puzzled and in the dark here, not knowing how to proceed/better diagnose this.
For the time being cutting the whole RDS deployment down and starting fresh is out of the question especially since it is likely I might hit the same problem again.
Maybe someone of you has experience with this exceptions on 2016 or maybe even connections to the dev team regarding the current hotfix situation. Or someone that has patched their servers but is still able to add new RDWAs or RDSHs.
Regards and thanks a lot in advance,