So, with our recent migration to the Remote Desktop Services 2016 on Widows Server 2016 from our old Citrix farm we stumbled on some strange behavior of language switching in some user sessions.
Some users claim that they can't use Russian letters, so I make shadow connection to them sessions and see something like this:
Usually, I press Ctrl+Shift - and then I see this:
But then I try to type something - letters are still EN.
Until I click this small keyboard and select Russian:
After this manipulation I can switch input languages as I please with Ctrl+Shift combo: just Ctrl+Shift - and I'm typing English, Ctrl+Shift again - and I'm typing Russian.
Please tell me how to avoid this mess? I don't know nor correct nor simple solution. But I need a solution both correct and simple, may be through GPO )) How to set this Russian layout checkbox automatically for each user, may be...