Hi all,
I'm trying to setup high availability in a 2016 Connection Broker server using as DB an existing SQL 2016 Cluster Always On AG.
I created a new DB on the SQL Server and added it to the AG (also tried without adding it to the AG); created a new sql logon and given db_owner and securityadmin permissions to the new DB. I can access the DB from both SSMS and SQL Client from the RDCB server, but when I try to configure HA using shared server I get this error message:
"The database specified in the database connection string is not available from the RD Connection Broker server".
I also tried to create HA using dedicated server, but login fails with the same error even if I add the RDCB server to SQL Server with sa permissions.
This is the connection string I'm using:
Driver={SQL Server Native Client 13.0};Server=sqlcluster_dns_name;Database=ClusterRDS;Uid=user;Pwd=password;Encrypt=yes;TrustServerCertificate=yes;Connection Timeout=30;MultiSubnetFailover=yes;
I also tried with Native Client 11, nothing changed. Both clients (11 and 13) are installed on the RDCB Server and I can configure a connection from ODBC data sources.
Firewalls are off everywhere.
Any idea? Am I missing something?
Thank you,