Hello everyone,
I am using Server 2012 Datacenter in a VMware environment. What I am trying to do is have one of our Remote Desktop collections, when clicked on through RD Web Access, already have the computer name and the RD gateway server when open/launched (custom .rdp file).
I have seen articles saying in 2008 server you could do this through a GUI, but with Server 2012, Server Manager doesn't allow you to add the custom properties I am looking for. Instead, it is suggested, well implied, to use powershell. Below are the options I'd like to add but while trying to use powershell, I receive the overly posted, "You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression." At looking at the Set-RDSessionCollectionConfiguration command, no where on the page does it say it returns an object/value/something, and all variables I pass accept strings. I know I am missing something but I am unsure what. Here is a how I am trying to use the above command:
Set-RDSessionCollectionConfiguration -CollectionName "Faculty" -CustomRdpProperty "full address:s:Server.SomeDomain.ORG"
Below are several other properties I'd like to add where I have found that by adding `n in between commands, it should work, but I wanted to start with one property before jumping ahead. In addition, I'd like to add a custom certificate but that isn't as important as getting the computer name and default gateway addresses to show up, and not have the end user type it in.
full address:s:Server.SomeDomain.ORG
I appreciate everyone for reading this and look forward to any help and/or insight. I had links to articles/technet but because my account is not verified yet, I couldn't link to them. If you have any questions, I will be more than happy to assist.