Hello from Austria !!
First of all I wanna say, please excuse my bad english.
Since about 5 weeks I am struggling with the problem,
that after a reboot of a fully patched 2012R2 RDS server,
the printer and drive redirections at logon will be done only about 2-3 hours after the reboot.
For users who do not log out / disconnect, they work the whole day. But when you log in again, no drives or printers will be redirected.
Sometimes the redirections work after lunch, but here they will be done only about 30 minutes.
After that time, new logged in users will not get any redirections.
At weekends, things usually work the whole weekend.
I have already done SFC / scannow, DISM / Online / Cleanup-Image / RestoreHealth.
Restarting "Remote Desktop Service Port Forwarding in User Mode" service does not change anything.
Deactivating and activating the "Device Redirector Bus for Remote Desktop" in the Device Manager has worked only once, then the redirected drives and printers reappeared in the session.
Only the restart of the server (what happens Monday to Friday at 5:30) is bringing back the redirects for the mentioned 2-3 hours.
In the event log I find no error messages in consense with Remote Desktop.
I look forward to any kind of feedback, thanks in advance !!!
Regards from Austria
Drive and Printer redirection stop working over the day