I have :
3 x physical Server 2016 as hyper V host
1 x Virtual Server 2016 as Broker and Web access
40 x Windows 10 entreprise 1803 as Virtual desktop collection pooled. It was working very well with UPD (User profile disk) on a SOFS share.
Last week I create a new user and he can't get his new UPD working.
I decide to clean a lot of things : I remove the collection and try to create a new one.
When I choose my VM template (Wich work well since long time) I get the error :
could not retrieve the virtual desktop template details for MasterW10c
I enable log, and searcg with Dbgview :
Composant RdmsUI : Exception occurred in IsMasterVMPrerequisiteSatisfied for VM MasterW10c, VMHost CLOUD2.cxxat.com. Exception details: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: à System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo) à System.Management.ManagementObject.InvokeMethod(String methodName, ManagementBaseObject inParameters, InvokeMethodOptions options) à Microsoft.RemoteDesktopServices.Common.TsVm.QueryOfflineInformation(String& Build, String& CurrentVersion, String& EditionId, Boolean& fIsRdvIcInstalled, Boolean& fIsVmbusCapable, String& InstallationType, Int32& ProcArch, String& SysPrepImageState, String& SysPrepMode)à Microsoft.RemoteDesktopServices.RDManagement.Model.ExternalApiProvider.GetOfflineVmInformation(String vmName, String hostName) à Microsoft.RemoteDesktopServices.RDManagement.ViewModel.Collections.MasterVirtualMachineViewModel.IsMasterVMPrerequisiteSatisfied(VMDescriptor masterVM)
I can't post processmon sreenshot because my account is not verified but search "could not retrieve the virtual desktop template details for" on G00GLE and i post it on first spiceworks result
I try to deploy from any of my 3 Host -> same problem
I remove all remote desktop host role and remote desktop broke +web and reinstall them -> same problem
I install another broker + web access on another 2016 server (on the AD :-( ) -> same problem
I don't know when this problem appear (I found it when i add a new user. One of our last change is installation of Acronis Backup to backup some VM/shared drive. I uninstall Acronis from all our machine and nothing change. I do some Windows Update.