Hello everyone,
We currently have an RDS collection set up with high availability connection brokers.
In our collection settings, we have redirection enabled for any type of drives and shown here:
As expected, when a user logs into their RDS Desktop, all of their local drives get redirected to their remote desktop (including any network drives they have mapped locally):
What we're looking to do is to only redirect the C: drive, the D: drive, and the E: drive. Our network drives begin on F: so that we have room for USB drives on D: and E:.
As a quick test, I've tried to redirect only the C: drive. So, I went on to our connection broker and typed in the following PowerShell command:
Set-RDSessionCollectionConfiguration -CollectionName "CollectionTest" -CustomRdpProperty "drivestoredirect:s:C:"
The command ran successfully and since we have two connection brokers, I went to make sure that the registry got updated on both connection brokers. And alas, it replicated on both connection brokers (as expected):
I logged into our desktop published by our RDS collection and found out that this didn't work.All of our drives are still being redirected. I went ahead and rebooted the remote desktop session host (RDSH) and all network drives are still being redirected.
I tried entering the command in again, however this time, I added the other two drives that I want to be redirected:
Set-RDSessionCollectionConfiguration -CollectionName "CollectionTest" -CustomRdpProperty "drivestoredirect:s:C:D:E:"
I followed the same process, making sure that the registry had updated on both connection brokers, etc. and still no results. All of the local drives are still being redirected.
Is there a part I'm missing here? Am I typing in the wrong command? Any insight would greatly be appreciated.