I have RD Connection Broker, RD Web Access, and RD Virtualization Host all installed on a single Windows Server 2019 (Datacenter). I have a Windows 10 virtual machine template that has been sysprepped, is in the off state, is a generation 1 vm, and has been
exported to multiple different locations, yet the template does not show up when creating a personal virtual machine collection. I simply have no options to choose from.
Yesterday when trying to create a collection, the template showed and I was able to continue through the setup wizard, but I had to cancel the configuration before it was created.
Today, the template no longer shows up.
I have reinstalled all RDS roles multiple times, I have rebooted multiple times, I have sysprepped the template multiple times, I have even created a new virtual machine and sysprepped it without any luck. I have tried restarting the Virtualization Host service
and the Connection Broker service, as well as the RD Management service. No luck. This machine is not a DC or a DNS.
It makes no sense, and I have found that other people have had this similar problem, but no solutions are posted.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.