Hello guys.
From unknown time on production farm creating a pool collection start failed with no error.
Hosts Hyper-v servers in Failover Cluster with CSV. HA configured with database on remote mssql server. Error comes out right after exporting template.Howeverthe template appears in the selectedfor exporting directory.
CB,Hosts - windows server 2016 with last updates.
Template - i tryied several, even with templated which works in another pool.Windows10pro1806,Windows10pro1903
On CB rdms-ui-operational says, that collection created successfully https://prnt.sc/pwfv57
rdms-ui-admin says, that collection creation failed https://prnt.sc/pwfvqa
on vm-host export was successfull https://prnt.sc/pwfxkn
C:\Windows\System32\tssesdir\*.xml there is no job associated with this task
doesnt not help, no such file on connection broker even after add reg params
IN CB Databases i have some more interesting picture:
SELECT * FROM [DBCBSRV].[rds].[Pool]
gives https://prnt.sc/pwg294 , where vdi3 is pool, but it works normally.
SELECT * FROM [DBCBSRV].[rds].[ErrorLog] WHERE DATEADD(dd, 0, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, TimeStamp)) = DATEADD(dd, 0, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, GETDATE()))
gives https://prnt.sc/pwg48n
any suggestions?